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Modern technology in Agriculture has made the farming business more sustainable and even more profit making. Non traditional crops are infusing new life to agriculturists. Plants with essencial oils, plants for natural dye, Medicinal plants, spices can earn much better than the traditional ones because of their unique demand and very low percentage of commercial cultivation in India.
Presently very huge quantities of these plant derivatives are imported in India. With commercial approach in Agriculture. We can replace the import by our own productions. Thus we can contribute to self dependence or "ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT".
Harichi Agro Private Limited is a start up set to estsblish modern agriculture farms with required mandatory processing facilities to produce more stable products from perishable Agri outputs.
The company will be involved in various Agricultural and Agro processing activities as follows.
a) Aromatic Medicinal and spices crop farming
b) Aromatic oil Extraction unit
c) Medicinal & spices crop drying & granding
d) Nursery for Aromatic Medicial & Spices plants along with other precious plants
e) Compost manure project
Build Your Future From Assured Market to Make the Difference

Abhijit Vidyadhar Vaze
Age :- 48 years
Education :- M. Sc. Agrochemicals
Experience :- Vast experience of 28 years in handling diff. agriculture Crops., Compost preparation and sale., Biological Pest Control, Cattle farming (he has awarded for best cattle farming in 2014 ).
Agriculture Nursery, etc.

Manjiri Abhijit Vaze
Age :- 45 years
Education :- B. Com.
Experience :- Sole proprietor of Vaze Milk Magic . She has developed various unique milk Products and having great skills in managing administrating industrial And agricultural activities.
Contact - 9021234114
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Published by Adam - 21/3/2017
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